The Corner

Maher Draws Boos for Zimmerman Jokes

Provocateur Bill Maher’s jokes about the Zimmerman case didn’t sit too well with the Late Show audience last night.

In town for the MLB All-Star Game as a minority owner of the New York Mets, this year’s host team, Maher’s first attempt to poke fun at the case drew a storm of boos. When David Letterman asked what it was like to be a minority owner of the team, Maher quipped, “Better than being a minority in Florida.” Upon the negative reaction, he wondered aloud, “Why are they booing?”

Later, Maher tried to crack wise about the fact that Zimmerman can still legally carry a gun after his acquittal: “I say if he gets a gun, Casey Anthony gets a baby,” he said. He was again perplexed by why it backfired: “What is with the booing tonight?” Maher’s repeated bombs prompted Letterman to check his watch to see how much time was left in the interview.

Maher also told viewers that he invited Michael Moore and Salman Rushdie to watch the game with him. These men of the people had pretty decent seats:


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