The Corner



Today’s Impromptus is called “The Marine (Le Pen) Corps, &c.,” and gives you the usual mélange — including three items on the NBA. From an Impromptus last week, a little mail.

I wrote about Middlebury College and the goon squad there. Thoughtfully making a comparison to my hometown, a reader writes,

I went to high school and college (University of Vermont, ’77) in Vermont — I see Middlebury hasn’t changed.

Take the most obnoxious liberals you ever ran into in Ann Arbor. Transplant them to the Northeast. Give them a Subaru with a ski rack and a dad with lots of $$$. That’s Middlebury.


Also in that column, I wrote about large families and small, “extended” and “immediate,” and the outlooks of different cultures. A reader writes,

A guy in my Friday-morning men’s group has triplets. He said last week, “Every time I meet someone white and they learn about my triplets, they say ‘Wow’ with a little bit of terror in their voice. Whenever I tell a black or Hispanic person I have triplets, they say, ‘You are so blessed.’”

Rings true.

Finally, a note about the Q&A podcast I did with Professor Robert P. George, the famed conservative at Princeton:

When I was a law student, Professor George spoke one afternoon (thinking 2004?) about same-sex marriage. ’Twas one of the most carefully honed arguments I had ever heard. A thing of beauty, actually, if such a description is appropriate. But just as significantly, Professor George was a lovely man — gracious, kind, humble — no matter his towering intellect. It was a highlight of my law-school experience.

May you have good experiences, at law school or not.

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