The Corner

Make Way for the ‘Moderates’!

As I noted here, last week the New York Times presented left-wing Democratic insider Thomas Donilon, President Obama’s newly chosen national security adviser, as “a pragmatist, not an ideologue.” Not to be outdone, now comes the Washington Post with this whopper (emphasis added): “For his White House energy adviser, Obama brought aboard another moderate: [Carol] Browner, who led the Environmental Protection Agency during Bill Clinton’s administration.”

At TAS blog, Chris Horner is appropriately aghast, observing that Ms. Browner ”resigned her commissionership in the Socialist International to take a position with the Obama administration that was created for her for the simple reason that she would never gain Senate confirmation and would cause political destruction in the process of the sort, well, of the sort that we’re seeing now as all of the radicalism adds up. Oh, and she told US News that you can’t be trusted with your own thermostat, and her team’s objective was to wrest that control over when and how you should be able to use energy, placing it with a more responsible decision-maker.”

Note that the Post’s story refers to Browner as “another” of Obama’s “moderates.” Who was the other moderate the paper had in mind? Why, none other than Ken Salazar, the interior secretary who imposed the devastating Gulf drilling moratorium and tried to make it stick by falsely representing that the ban was the consensus recommendation of scientists serving on a federal committee (Michelle Malkin has the gory details, here).

I have a bit more on Obama the “pragmatist” in my column this morning. Meantime, if you only read the newspapers in lieu of actually observing the world, you’d think the radicals were non-ideological, pragmatic moderates while the public is a mob of wild-eyed revolutionaries. Is it any wonder the newspapers are on death’s doorstep with their finger on the bell?

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