The Corner

Malkin Nixed

Michelle Malkin reports on the ultraliberal minority journalist confab Bush and Kerry will attend: “I volunteered to bring my divisively brown-skinned self back to the gathering. I contacted UNITY program co-chair O. Ricardo Pimentel, whom I once debated on immigration issues in Tempe, Ariz., and asked if UNITY would be interested in putting me on a panel to offer my ideologically diverse views on homeland security issues. He politely passed the buck, and I never heard back from UNITY. So, alas, I won’t be joining UNITY’s illusion of inclusion this year.”

And don’t miss her Media Diversity Test, either.

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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