The Corner

Many NR Cruise Cabin Bookings Last Week

Over a dozen, and why shouldn’t there have been? Think about it: four days after the Congressional election results are in, NR cruisers will be discussing their aftermath with Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and John Bolton – and that’s just the pre-cruise kick-off gala (on November 8th in Ft. Lauderdale).

The NR 2014 Post-Election Cruise actually sets sail on the Allure of the Seas on November 9th, and during its seven days of sailing the warm Caribbean will feature dozens of exclusive National Review events, starring over three dozen top conservative speakers, writers, analysts, and policymakers, including Allen West, Victor Davis Hanson, Fred Thompson, Tim Pawlenty, Jon Kyl, Luis Fortuño, John Yoo, Brent Bozell, Mona Charen, Jonah Goldberg, Ralph Reed, Rich Lowry, Andrew McCarthy, Tim Phillips, Guy Benson, Michael Ramirez, Bing West, Ned Ryun, Charles Kesler, Sally Pipes, Jay Nordlinger, Kathryn Lopez, Ramesh Ponnuru, Deroy Murdock, Charles Cooke, Kevin Williamson, James Lileks, Christina Hoff Sommers, Michael Walsh, John Fund, Jim Geraghty, Cal Thomas, John Hillen, Ed Whelan, John J. Miller, Rob Long, Eliana Johnson, William Jacobson, Christian Robey, and Jennifer Marshall.

Over 500 people are booked so far, and there’s not much time (nor cabins) left! You know you want to come, so make sure you do — right now. Visit to get complete information and to ​reserve your luxury stateroom (and sign up for the exclusive kick-off gala on November 8th).

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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