The Corner


The good Colonel, who was a driving force behind the Museum, passed away recently. His Washington Post obituary shows that in our midst live giants of courage and honor. A Korean War hero (he won a Navy Cross for leading a battalion in the Battle of the Punchbowl), a military historian, and the author of the U.S. Military Code of Conduct, I met him on several occasions when he came to my home town to visit his daughter, Cathy, a friend whose super twin sons (pals of my oldest son) are upholding tradition: Brett is now a Marine, and Jake, attending a military college, is on his way to becoming one. A great, great family with a great, great leader (and, I am proud to say, a subscriber to NR). R.I.P., Colonel Nihart.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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