The Corner

Matthews Gets It Right

After ranting about this Cheney quote for a few days (if I remember correctly), Chris Matthews finally read it as it was almost surely meant—a warning about the wrong response to a terrorist attack, not a warning that we will get hit again if Kerry is elected. Kudos to Matthews for correcting himself. The bit from the transcript:

“SHOW: The Chris Matthews Show Various Times NBC

September 12, 2004 Sunday

MATTHEWS: Let’s take a look at how Kerry’s handling or not handling this

question. He looks indecisive on Iraq; he also has a problem with reliability.

The question started, as we know, as Cokie said, over Vietnam and over his

anti-war activities after coming home. And this week, the vice president

carried that attack on his unreliability even further.

Vice President DICK CHENEY: It is absolutely essential that eight weeks

from today, on November 2nd, we make the right choice. Because if we make the

wrong choice, then the danger is that–that we’ll get hit again, that we’ll be

hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States

and it will fall back into the–the pre-9/11 mind-set, if you will, that in fact

these terrorist attacks are just criminal acts and that we are not really at


MATTHEWS: When I first heard that, I thought he was saying if Kerry wins,

we’re going to get attacked. I looked at it again today, this morning, and I

said, `Wait a minute. What he’s really saying, if you listen carefully, is we’ll

get attacked again. Anybody can get attacked again, that danger is there, and

these people will react in the old time way of saying we’ve got some criminals

out there we got to catch, not recognizing this movement of war against us.’”

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