The Corner

Matthews: Obama Faces Tougher Pushback than Mandela Did in Apartheid South Africa

Reflecting on both his recent interview with President Obama and Nelson Mandela’s death, Chris Matthews asserted that congressional Republicans displayed less regard and patriotism for their country than South Africa’s apartheid government leaders did during the nation’s transition.

He contrasted F. W. de Klerk, Mandela’s predecessor who led the transition out of apartheid to McConnell’s reaction to Obama’s elections, saying de Klerk “recognized his role in history to be a patriot” during South Africa’s emergence out of apartheid. “To succeed in a country he loved, F. W. de Klerk was willing to see it transformed to black rule . . . so that he would have his country have a better future,” he said.

But McConnell’s handling of Obama’s election was “so different.“The McConnell people onto the far-right were willing to destroy the country to destroy Obama,” Matthews said.

Via Mediaite.

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