The Corner

Meanwhile, at the Expoislamia Convention in Manchester, England…

The infamous Dr. Azzam Tamimi, preaching to a cheering crowd of 8,000, declared “We are Muslims in Europe, not European Muslims,” praised Hamas suicide bombers, and so much more to drive home the point that Islam means peace. Read all about it in the Daily Mail. Info about the ExpoIslamia is found at the interestingly named, which declares the confab’s theme thusly:

“The value of engaging with the wider society; the discourse to highlight the need for building stronger Muslim communities and to call for the promotion of the common good for humanity is greater than ever. Whilst a few espouse ‘Clash of Civilisations,’ the vast majority who believe in the innate goodness of humanity need to raise their voices. . . . the event will clarify the role and responsibility of Muslims living as minorities in the West and . . . will aim to promote the need for building stronger unity of the mass population by highlighting the need for everyone’s participation in wider society and call for the promotion of common good for all.” 

Organizers must have forgotten to inform Tamimi’s adoring fans of the conference’s purpose.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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