The Corner

Medved on McCain

Michael Medved correctly points out that some of the attacks on John McCain are over the top, a role he also played for Mike Huckabee. Good for him. But I do wish that Medved were a little less willing to throw around words such as “lie” and “dishonest” with respect to those men’s critics–particularly when Medved isn’t telling the full story. (See here for an overenthusiastic Huckabee post.)

Take this comment about McCain’s record on taxes. “Yes, he did vote against Bush tax cuts – but did so because no cuts in spending accompanied the cuts in taxes.” That’s what McCain is saying now. At the time, he talked a lot about how unfair it was to cut taxes for the wealthy. He is evasive when you ask him about those comments today–and Medved is one of the folks who is, no doubt inadvertently, helping him to revise his record.

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