The Corner

Men Who Won’t Work

Equal time for Richard in Texas:

Dear Sir;   My experience (both personal and observational), which is very broad indeed, is exactly the opposite of Byran’s.    After reinventing myself professionally three times (no fault of my own), I have again been modestly successful and now have ten employees. I hire only Americans, and (by choice) make a little more than twice my lowest-paid employee. My oldest employee (who is also one of my best, most dependable and hardest working) is nearly crippled by diabetes, but we make a few adjustments, and he is always back the next day. My oldest daughter is the manager.   I see ‘superior’ hotshots like Byran every day. Naively young; they think they are 8 feet tall, covered in hair, and destined to live forever; outlasting (as Joseph Conrad might say) even the sea and the stars. They usually make it about a week. Someday they will have a kidney stone, a dead parent, and more sympathy for others.

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