The Corner

Mich. GOP Senate Candidate Laughs Off ‘War on Women’ Attacks

The “war on women” accusation isn’t going to work on at least one Republican candidate. In fact, she’s pushing back at the ridiculousness of the claim.

In her first ad, Michigan Republican Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land laughs off the notion that she, as a woman, is waging a “war on women,” as claimed by her Democratic opponent Representative Gary Peters. She gives viewers a few moments to think about the absurdity of Peters’s attacks while she, in the meantime, helps herself to a cup of coffee, checks her watch, and more.

“As a woman, I might know a little bit more about women than Gary Peters,” she says before signing off.

Land and Peters are running to fill retiring Democrat Carl Levin’s Senate seat. Polls show the two candidates in a close race, and give Land the slight edge as she leads in four of the most recent six polls.

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