The Corner

Law & the Courts

Michael Beschloss, Truther

Michael Beschloss of NBC News speaks during Meet the Press in Washington, D.C., December 31, 2006. (Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images for Meet the Press)

Jim Geraghty, as per usual, has provided a wonderful summary of the latest madness emanating from the legal penumbras of Trumpworld: Emily Kohrs, the wacky Georgia forewoman. She is an entrepreneurial lady, to give her credit. Her duties having concluded in assessing claims submitted by the state to her special grand jury about interference by Trump and his minions after the November 2020 election, and having made prosecutorial recommendations, she has now proceeded to a Grand Media Tour.

To say that this is a legal and public relations disaster for the state of Georgia’s case against Trumpworld is to understate the matter considerably; this woman couldn’t come off as more of a flake had she been discussing healing crystals or “pyramid power” in between her (actual) musings to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on attending ice-cream parties thrown by the prosecution. (And then using a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rocket popsicle from said party to later formally swear in a witness, I swear to God I am not making this up.)

Sure looks bad for the majesty of the law, doesn’t it? This silly lady, at the head of the special grand jury investigating a legal matter of incredibly delicate national political importance, now out and about and blathering and barfing all over her own lapels? Gosh, if I weren’t just some dumb pudknucker out here in the Midwest, I might start to wonder whether this weren’t the sort of grand jury that, led by her, would just as soon indict an old Reuben presented to it by the prosecutors, so long as its Russian dressing was appropriately dripping.

Don’t worry, then, because TV-Approved Official Presidential Historian™ Michael Beschloss — last seen as a White House Historical Association and National Archives Association trustee — has an answer for you, which I have taken the pains to screencap below because . . . well, you know. Just in case.

Yes, that’s right, folks: It’s a Black Op. MAGA-world’s most dedicated sleeper agent has finally accomplished her mission, sitting through nearly a year’s worth of grand-jury testimony and only now breaking her silence to strategically discredit the entire set of jury recommendations in the most brilliantly indirect way: not by making direct partisan statements, but by revealing herself in public, forever, to be a blithering goddamned idiot. Beschloss is such an eminent historian that I’m forced to defer to his unquestionable authority, so I must take him at his word: Trump has truly pulled off an intelligence/deep-cover coup here, the likes of which mark him out as having a political operation to be taken gravely seriously as a stealthily subtle force in the campaign to come.

Jeffrey Blehar is a National Review writer living in Chicago. He is also the co-host of National Review’s Political Beats podcast, which explores the great music of the modern era with guests from the political world happy to find something non-political to talk about.
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