The Corner

Michael Eric Dyson Calls Impeachment Talk ‘Treasonous’. . . Even Though He Supported It in the Bush Years

MSNBC fill-in host and Georgetown University professor Michael Eric Dyson is no fan of calling for a president’s ouster . . . unless it’s George W. Bush. Although he personally signed his name onto a group looking to “create a political situation where Bush himself is driven from office,” Dyson labeled Sarah Palin’s comments about impeaching President Obama as “treasonous accusations.”

“The president is acutely aware of the dire situation facing the children and their families crossing into the United States, as evidenced by his tireless effort to help them,” he said on Wednesday’s show in defense of President Obama. “The president’s push towards positive and crucial change was met with treasonous accusations.”

During the Bush years, however, Dyson was one of many signees to The World Can’t Wait! organization, which listed a series of grievances against Bush, including “moving each day closer to a theocracy” of a “narrow and hateful brand of Christian fundamentalism” and likening the former president to Hitler.

“People look at all this and think of Hitler — and they are right to do so,” the group says in the “About” section on its website. “The Bush regime is setting out to radically remake society very quickly, in a fascist way, and for generations to come. We must act now; the future is in the balance.”

In addition to Dyson, the organization’s supporters include other celebrity activists, such as Cornel West and Susan Sarandon. It also includes several lawmakers, among them Democratic representatives John Conyers of Michigan, Bobby Rush of Illinois, and Maxine Waters of California, as well as other former legislators, such as Senator Mark Gravel of Alaska and Representative Cynthia McKinney of Georgia.

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