The Corner

The Mighty Berry: Flash Update

Now that he’s got readers across America simmering cranberries on their stovetops, Georg Vojnovic of Rosell, Georgia has sent in these urgent amendments:


Can you put a little update on my recipe for cranberry sauce? I’ve checked and a bag of cranberries is 12 ounces. It’s very important to make sure that you have the right proportions on cranberries to sugar to water because cranberries are VERY tart. If you like it that way, you can cut back on the sugar, but be careful, cranberries don’t necessarily taste so great without a lot of sweetener. Also, make sure you cook the berries until they burst, about 6 or seven minutes.

On the other variations to the recipe, a suggestion that I would make: Start with the base recipe to make the cooked cranberries. Then add in your other flavors. Be careful about cooking out the port wine or the orange juice at the beginning because some of the more volatile flavors will cook away.

Good luck and good eating.

Peter Robinson — Peter M. Robinson is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution.
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