The Corner

Mike Lee Endorses Ben Sasse

Senator Mike Lee of Utah endorsed Ben Sasse today in the Nebraska Senate primary, calling the young college president “a strong constitutional conservative who understands the proper role of government, has great respect for our democratic institutions, and will fight to ensure that the people’s voice is heard in Washington.”

“Nebraskans need Ben Sasse to represent their values, reformers in the Senate need his conservative vote, our country needs his voice,” according to Lee, who was elected as part of 2010’s tea-party wave. Sasse is running for an empty Senate seat held by retiring Republican Mike Johanns, and in the most recent poll of the race, he was essentially tied with former Nebraska state treasurer Shane Osborn. Sasse is currently president of Midland University in Nebraska, where he’s abolished tenure and raised the school’s profile substantially.

Sasse has also been endorsed by Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, and the Club for Growth. Even better, he was featured on the cover of National Review in January:

Patrick Brennan was a senior communications official at the Department of Health and Human Services during the Trump administration and is former opinion editor of National Review Online.
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