The Corner

Miller: Recount Is Imminent

The candidate’s latest fundraising e-mail:

Thank You For Continuing to Support Joe

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee calls it the “Continental Army versus the British.”Joe Miller’s race against Lisa Murkowski will be 2010′s biggest upset for the Obama Administration’s trusted swing vote. Alaskans are defining America’s course for the future; with 100% of precincts reporting, Miller leads Murkowski 50.9% to49.1% for a total lead of 1,668 votes. But as Murkowski said, “it ain’t over yet, folks.” Thousands of absentee voter ballots were sent out by the Division of Elections and those votes will not be fully tallied until September 8th. A recount is imminent and Joe Miller URGENTLY needs your help so Alaskans can have a Constitutional conservative voice in Washington D.C. You made this possible, now Joe is counting on YOU to help bring him the rest of the way. He needs your donation right now.

Donate It’s time to make a difference and stand up with Joe for our country. Please DONATE. Don’t wait until it’s too late. ObamaCare would not have been passed if we’d had one more conservative in Washington. Let’s stop cap-and-trade in its tracks; let’s repeal ObamaCare; let’s prevent future bailouts and support Joe Miller now when he needs it most! Alaska has a small population base and because of this each dollar goes a long way. Your gift of $2400, $2000, $1500, $1000, $500, $250, $100, $50, or even $25 will make the difference between Obama’s agenda or a Constitutional voice that speaks for you. Thank you.

Via TPM.

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