The Corner

Monday links

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879: bio, gravitational waves explained, and the post-mortem saga of his brain.

The curse of the people who can’t stop making puns.

Science Says Cheese Is Addictive As Drugs.

3.1416: Happy Pi Day: history, video explanation, and the digits of Pi set to music.

13 Things You May Not Know About Bonnie And Clyde.

Airlander 10: World’s largest aircraft prepares to take to the skies (it’s 25 per cent larger than a Boeing 747 and designed to remain airborne for up to five days)

ICYMIFriday’s links are here, and include a ”best of” Mythbusters supercut, exploding killer lakes, lots of eyebrow interpretation advice from the 16th century, and the (court-ordered) unmasking of the Lone Ranger. And, from the weekend, Daylight Saving Time history (including Ben Franklin’s proposal), rants, and stories.

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