The Corner

Monday links

Video: BBC’s documentary “Bat-Crocodile War”, if the bats had bombs and the crocs had light sabers

The surprisingly interesting history of Pyrex.

As a recruiting tool, the U.S. Navy built a battleship in New York City’s Union Square. It was there from 1917-1920.

Watch a video of a 57-story modular skyscraper go up in 19 days.

The chicken tax: why there are so few (relatively speaking) imported trucks in the U.S.

Top 10 Terrifying Prehistoric Sea Monsters.

ICYMIFriday’s links are here, and include a newly found photo of Vincent Van Gogh from 1887, a re-creation of how the Romans lifted wild animals into the Colosseum, and using lasers to burn away mental illness.

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