The Corner

More Bill Rusher, RIP

Steve Hayward has a nice remembrance here. And there’s this, from a reader:


I was doing research for a book project at NRO World HQ in NY back in 1988.

Thirty minutes came open on Bill Rusher’s schedule and he invited me in to chat. Five minutes later, his secretary let’s him know that Newt Gingrich was on the phone for him.

“Please tell him I shall call him back. I am meeting with someone right now.”  Except, he actually said my name, Mister ——- , as if I was someone important. (btw, he stressed to me in our meeting that young conservatives are most needed in the news media and the academy. Some things never change.)

I never forgot his kindness just as I never forgot his  most valuable lesson in proper manners. When meeting with someone, meet with them. Single task. Accept no distractions. In today’s era, when people sitting on job interview panels are checking their Blackberries as a candidate is speaking, or tweeting, we ought to remember our manners. And today we should remember fondly Bill Rusher who personified what it meant to be a well-mannered, classy gentleman. RIP

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