The Corner

More Dykwia From Kerry, More Silence From Media

Even Dave Barry has a variant of the “Do you know who I am?” story about Kerry. (Nod to Donald Crankshaw of Back of the Envelope.) Here’s the relevant passage:

In conclusion, I want to extend my sincere best wishes to all of my opponents, Republican and Democrat, and to state that, in the unlikely event I am not elected, I will support whoever is, even if it is Sen. John Kerry, who once came, with his entourage, into a ski-rental shop in Ketchum, Idaho, where I was waiting patiently with my family to rent snowboards, and Sen. Kerry used one of his lackeys to flagrantly barge in line ahead of us and everybody else, as if he had some urgent senatorial need for a snowboard, like there was about to be an emergency meeting, out on the slopes, of the Joint Halfpipe Committee. I say it’s time for us, as a nation, to put this unpleasant incident behind us. I know that I, for one, have forgotten all about it. That is how fair and balanced I am.

Doesn’t this attitude say…something interesting about the man? I think it does. One could argue that the first President Bush lost an election because of a fraudulent story about supermarket scanners. You certainly couldn’t dispute that the media did considerable damage to George HW Bush by casting him as aloof and insensitive, especially since Bush was running against an empath. Well, here we have a guy who has a long-standing and established record of line-jumping, food grabbing and other arrrogant and aristocratic nastiness. Surely there is as much evidence that John Kerry has a low tolerance for inconvenient little people than there was for Bush in 1992. How is that less relevant than Bush’s shock at a new-fangled supermarket scanner?

Update: Just to be clear, I don’t think the scanner story was a legit story and if you read the link to my column above you’ll see that. Please no more emails on how I’m giving credence to the scanner story.

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