The Corner

More Expectations (and Worries)

Here’s what conservative pollster Tony Fabrizio is thinking about tonight: “I actually think that the bar of expectations have been lowered so much based on the last debate, the recent stories on Iraq (Bremer and WMD report), the jobs numbers this morning and a format that favors Kerry that the President can ‘win’ by not giving or ceding ground to Kerry and making a connection on domestic issues and showing he is ‘in touch’ with voters concerns.”

Fabrizio adds: “If Kerry can effectively tie his mantra (and the President allows him to) of ‘ignoring what is going on in Iraq’ to ‘ignoring what is really going on with jobs or health care or social security, et al’ then the President will appear out of touch which will deflate his already precarious job approval numbers which in turn impacts his ballot standing.”

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