The Corner

More HBO

Yes, I should have said the upcoming end of Deadwood also leaves me crestfallen. From a reader:


I’m personally disappointed that you did not share this level of

disappointment at the (very likely) end of Deadwood, a show much

better than either The Sopranos or Rome and teeming with fertile

ground for conservative discussion, namely the role of social

institutions (from commerce to friendship, religion to secular

community)in providing order in a land without law–how come we

haven’t seen whole books written about this? It’s also waaay more

vulgar and violent than the other two put together, which should

satisfy your more prudish complainers–err, readers.

Also, am I the only one who was wondering a few episodes ago if there

was going to be some Rome/Sopranos crossover? When Vorenus starts

talking about how the collegia should adapt and become a role model

for the community, offering problem-solving and helping others in

addition to their role as leg-breakers and dock organizers, I

half-expected someone named “Sopranus” to step forward and take charge

of the new idea.

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