The Corner

More on the House Leadership Races

Boy are they lining up and fast (and boy have I managed to get myself in the middle of this — Rich, feel free to take over the beat). This comes from a senior staffer who works for a senior member, who is not a member of he conservative Republican Policy Committee:

I’d like to anonymously follow up on your email re-Boehner for Leader.  He’s right about earmark reform.  That was the one thing Boehner wanted done out of the entire reform package and it got done.  He ran his entire campaign for Majority Leader on a platform of getting back to basics, the spirit of ‘94.  Remember his manifesto?  He will surely do so again.  His team has been operating all year as the Majority Leader and Conference (responsible for messaging) combined.  I believe he is in a strong position to make the case that the work he wanted to start as Majority Leader is clearly undone and he deserves more time.  And he has the mechanics in place to win a leadership race.  That cannot be underestimated.

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