The Corner

More Jindal

And finally, here’s a Louisianan who says all the talk about Blanco’s purity

is hogwash: Blanco was NOT clean. She mailed out terrible trash about

Jindal’s plans to deprive woman of the right to their body, etc. We had

phone calls

telling “The Truth About Bobby Jindal.” He was going to be the first of the

Asians to take over the state houses, there “are secret plans.” He and his

Asian/Ivy League nerds were going to ruin the state economically. How could

they? There isn’t that much left to ruin. One phone call was an imitation of

President Bush, denouncing the Jindal claim of working well with the

administration. In rural areas, whites got calls about his being “so dark.”

“Of course, Kathleen is too much a

lady to really go after him.”

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