The Corner

More Pushback from the Provinces

In the wake of the state legislators from Arizona and Georgia who’ve written to Washington to oppose the amnesty bill, and the booing that pro-amnesty Republicans received this weekend from party functionaries in Georgia and South Carolina, comes a letter to President Bush from a group of Colorado state legislators, led by Sen. Dave Schulteis:

… We adamantly oppose the new Senate bill authored by Senators Kennedy, Salazar and Kyl. We oppose any federal legislation that would legalize continued presence for people now present in the U.S. illegally. …

We support the concept of attrition by enforcement. The population of illegal aliens can be reduced over time by enthusiastic enforcement of existing laws coupled with verifiable, secure and tamper-proof worker verification ID’s for all applicants for U.S. jobs coupled with vigorous workplace and border enforcement.The so-called “triggers” in the draft Senate bill are a joke. Border security will again be relegated to a false promise while amnesty for millions goes forward. Congress should postpone any new guest worker legislationuntil border security is an accomplished fact, not just another broken promise. …

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