The Corner

More on State Dept IG Report on Clinton Violations and Refusal to Answer Investigators’ Questions

The Hill has additional details about the State Department inspector general report discussed in my previous post. The report makes clear that, even if we ignore the approximately 32,000 emails Mrs. Clinton declined to turn over to the State Department and attempted to delete, the 30,000 emails she provided to State – which she represented to be all the emails related to government business – was incomplete. Plus, the vast majority of current and former Clinton aides refused to answer the IG’s questions:

In late 2014, Clinton gave the State Department roughly 30,000 emails from her personal machine. Another batch containing roughly the same number of emails, which she said were purely personal, was deleted.

Critics of Clinton have questioned that move, and the chief litigant in the open records lawsuits has said he hopes to obtain all the deleted messages.

The stack of approximately 55,000 pages of emails Clinton gave to the federal government “was incomplete,” the inspector general noted in its report, pointing to multiple emails inspectors found through other means.

Only five of the 26 current and former Clinton aides responded to questionnaires sent by the watchdog office. Clinton herself turned down a request to be interviewed.

In addition to Clinton, four close staffers conducted “extensive use of personal email accounts,” the inspector general said, adding up to nearly 72,000 pages worth of messages. In doing so, they also violated the  State Department’s record-keeping policies.

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