The Corner

More On Sullivan

So many looney links, so little time. Andrew Sullivan has gathered many of the kook allegations against our armed forces as evidence of widespread U.S torture. I leave it to the readers to decide whether he’s convincing. But I did notice he didn’t link to this story. Compiling links via Google — that is, throwing mud at the wall — is not the same as evidence. Sullivan also shifts gears, falsely accusing top officials of authorizing torture (referring to the legal memoranda prepared by the Justice Department which attempt to define torture, something he and McCain refuse to do), falsely contending that interrogation techniques at Guantanamo Bay found their way to Abu Ghraib (as if those convicted of mistreating prisoners at Abu Ghraib, including putting underwear on a prisoner’s head, were tutored by honorable soldiers interrogating terrorists at GITMO), and on and on. Again, I leave it to the readers to decide if Sullivan, McCain, et al, make a strong case for weakening our national security by reversing the Reagan interrogation standards.

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