The Corner

Morell: CIA Deleted AQ References from Benghazi Talking Points Because Sources Were Classified

Mike Morell said Wednesday that the U.S. intelligence committee knew al-Qaeda was involved in the Benghazi terror attack from the start, but said it wasn’t publicized because the sources through which they knew that were classified.

“The analysts said from the get-go that al-Qaeda was involved in this attack,” Morell said.

When asked why the CIA edited “al-Qaeda” out of their Benghazi talking points — after the State Department’s spokesman raised concerns about other aspects of the talking-points draft – Morell offered the same answer several times: “The only way we knew that anybody who was involved in that attack that night was associated with al Qaeda was from classified sources.”

Morell said that if the CIA had included references to al-Qaeda’s, sensitive information would have to be declassified.

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