The Corner

The Most Deafening Silence of All

I have no doubt that other Cornerites have had similar experiences. Whenever a big-fun-outrageous story/scandal breaks that conservatives like, somewhere between 5%-25% of my email is from furious liberals and Democrats who think conservatives are making fools of themselves for making such a big deal of the whole thing. “Wishful thinking!” “you’re deranged!” “You’re showing your true stripes!” are the sorts of thing I got durning the Sandy Burglar story (whatever happened there?), various Kerry gaffes, etc. I’ve missed a bit of email of late, but so far I believe a total of one reader has offered such comments since it became clear that the story was legit.

That none of the animal spirits of the left have felt the need to say “you guys are off base here!” tells me that Rather is in real trouble. I’m not talking about the professional writers like Blumenthal, i.e. the Gus Halls of the Democratic Party, but the average folks who are passionate about liberal politics or the sanctity of elite journalism. If they don’t think Rather is a sympathetic figure and the mainstream media is already feeding on Rather, CBS is in real trouble. Because that means it’s all alone.

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