The Corner

The Most Talented Couple in the World

In Impromptus today, after fulminating about Nancy Pelosi and other scourges, I mention Rodion Shchedrin, the Russian composer. He is one of the top composers of today. Very few can get near him. And he is married to one of the greatest dancers in all history: Maya Plisetskaya. As I say in my column, you can make a very serious case that they’re the most talented couple in the world. I also say: You have to consider Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf.

Other than that, I don’t think I have a candidate — a candidate for Most Talented Couple. Do you?

P.S. “In future,” as our British friends say, I think Agassi may be known as an autobiographer, rather than a tennis player! Forget about the eight Slam victories; what about the book? Now, I believe that this book is, in certain sections, unfair and outrageous: Telling things on yourself is one thing; telling things on other people is another. But, holy-moly — what a read. I could not continue in life until I was done. I’m tempted to call it great.

Yes, it was written by someone else: J. R. Moehringer. But the material, the feelings, much of the language, the life — all Agassi’s.

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