The Corner

Mozilla Wars

Does a commitment to diversity and inclusiveness include people who oppose gay marriage? Not to many who are unequivocally insisting new Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich endorse gay marriage or be fired.

Over at the appropriately named “CREDO” action website, more than 65,000 have signed their names to this call for conformity and exclusiveness, or else:

As the representative of a global brand that represents openness and is committed to equality and inclusiveness, Eich should make an unequivocal statement of support for marriage equality. If he cannot, he should resign. And if he will not, the board should fire Eich immediately.

Eich gave money to the Proposition 8 campaign and now joins a growing number of people who face threats to their livelihoods unless they support gay marriage. He’s much richer than most such people, of course.

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