The Corner


Mr. Goxx, R.I.P.

(mu_mu/Getty Images)

Perhaps the animal spirits of the market are best understood by animals. Mr. Goxx, a cryptocurrency-trading hamster, was at various points outperforming Warren Buffett from the offices of Goxx Capital — an addition to a hamster cage.

His office includes a hamster wheel, used to select which cryptocurrency he wants to trade, and two tunnels, one marked “BUY” and the other marked “SELL,” that he crawls through to make trades. Whenever Mr. Goxx entered his office, his movements were livestreamed on Twitch, and his trades were automatically posted on Twitter (with this disclaimer: “This content is for entertainment purposes only. Investments shown here are not financial advice.”).

Mr. Goxx’s Twitter account, which only started in June 2021, has over 18,000 followers. It only follows two accounts: Elon Musk and Shibetoshi Nakamoto, the alias of the creator of the cryptocurrency Dogecoin.

Mr. Goxx’s anonymous owners announced on Wednesday that he died in his sleep on Monday. They wrote, “You will be missed, and your memory will live forever on the blockchain.” According to Fortune, as of his last completed trading session, he was up 19.72 percent on the year. R.I.P.

Dominic Pino is the Thomas L. Rhodes Fellow at National Review Institute.
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