The Corner

Mrs. Kucinich’s Wardrobe

Jonathan Adler remarked briefly on Mrs. Kucinich’s “wardrobe issues” earlier today. I don’t want to put words in his mouth, but I got the impression we were supposed to snicker at the fact that she buys her clothes from consignment stores. Actually, I find it refreshing — but then, maybe that’s just me, since I’m a crunchy-con fellow-traveller. But wasn’t it Lincoln who asked, “What is conservativism? Is it not the adherence to the old and tried against the new and untried?” OK, she and her husband are left-wing flakes, but this kind of rejection of materialism resonates with a lot of people, including a lot of conservatives, which of course, was the point of Rod’s book.

And on a related matter, how does the dweebiest-looking man ever elected to national office, land a woman like this?

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