The Corner

MSNBC’s Bonnie and Clyde

I swear, it’s only a matter of time before Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann go on a shooting spree. Following on the heels of Olbermann’s insulting of Joe Scarborough, comes this gem:

“I’m not gonna take any lectures on how to be a good Democrat from two people who spent the last two years relentlessly attacking Bill and Hillary Clinton everyday,” Wolfson said on the air moments ago, when asked by the Fox anchor to respond to some criticism of Wolfson on MSNBC yesterday.

Wolfson’s decision to unload on MSNBC was triggered by some particularly barbed comments about Wolfson from Olbermann and Matthews yesterday. Matthews slammed Wolfson as Fox’s “little toy soldier,” while Olbermann joked that Wolfson is Fox’s “Tokyo Rose.”

That’s right, Howard Wolfson — loyal Democratic operative and, alas, Hillary supporter — doesn’t fall in line with the MSNBC Obama-worshipping kulturkampf and thus he must be condemned as a traitor. 

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