The Corner

Much Ado…About Not Too Much

Well, it went fine. For all the hullabaloo, outsized security precautions and trash talk from the lefty blogs, the evening went just fine. The [UMass] Amherst College Republicans did a grand job of making it hard for would-be trouble makers to make trouble. But it must be said that the conspicuously leftwing attendees were polite and pretty open to my arguments (which, I confess, I tried to pitch to them rather than throw at them).

More in the morning, but I must say I can’t remember visiting a campus where the leftwingness seemed more intense or pronounced. And I’ve been to a lot of campuses.

Update: Zoiks. A reader corrects me. I did know where I was, I just didn’t write what I knew (corrected in brackets above). My apologies:

Hi Mr. Goldberg,

I enjoyed your visit last night, however, it seems that you’ve confused our school with that Amherst College down the street. 

You wrote, “Well, it went fine. For all the hullabaloo, outsized security precautions and trash talk from the lefty blogs, the evening went just fine. The Amherst College Republicans did a grand job of making it hard for would-be trouble makers to make trouble.”

You visited the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

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