The Corner

My Bad

I bow to the defense lawyer on the merits. Settling isn’t an admission of guilt. You just want to say it is when everybody knows he’s guilty. And Clinton isn’t admitting any guilt of any kind on Paula Jones, which is why your average pesky Clinton critic wants to pin it down. On “60 Minutes,” Clinton claimed “The judge ruled that the Jones case had absolutely no merit.” Dan Rather explained: “Mr. Clinton explains that he eventually settled a sexual harassment suit brought by Arkansas state employee Paula Jones not because he was guilty, he still insists, but to make it go away.”

Go back in time to the actual settlement. FNC’s Jim Angle reported: “Mr. Clinton only made this deal with [independent counsel Robert] Ray when he learned from the independent counsel that he was facing certain indictment and, very likely, disbarment in Arkansas. Faced with that, he finally decided to strike a deal.” See how Dan Rather also protected Clinton at that time here.

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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