The Corner

My Man, Nick

This e-mail was recently sent out by Christopher DeMuth, president of the American Enterprise Institute:

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Nick Schulz to the positions of DeWitt Wallace Fellow and Editor-in-Chief of The American.  When Jim Glassman accepted President Bush’s nomination to be Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy last year, I conducted a diligent search for a successor—and, just as when Karl Zinsmeister relinquished the editorship of The American Enterprise in 2006, I found the best possible person right down the hall.  Nick has worked closely with Jim, both at TCSDaily and The American, and he possesses Jim’s remarkable abilities at combining lively journalism with serious research and scholarship, and at finding gifted writers and then making their work even better.

Nick is a 1994 graduate of Vanderbilt and worked straight out of college for Empower America.  He entered the media world in 1997 at New River Media (where, among other things, he was producer of Ben Wattenberg’s ”Think Tank” and associate producer of Ben’s “The First Measured Century”), and was then politics editor of from 2000-2002.  In 2002 Nick became editor of, from whence Jim attracted him to AEI in 2006 to help launch The American, where he has also written the excellent “Techno-Ideas” column.  He has also contributed substantially to other AEI projects, from government relations to improving the writing of our more technical publications.  Nick and his wife Lauren have two daughters, Olivia (4) and Gwendolyn (1), who made impressive debuts at our Christmas party in December. 

Nick’s position in our DeWitt Wallace Chair has a special meaning for many of us.  Nick’s father, William Schulz, was the legendary Washington Bureau Chief of Reader’s Digest during its great years in the 1970s and 1980s, and DeWitt Wallace was the founder of Reader’s Digest.  I think that Mr. Wallace would have approved the appointment—and The American—with great enthusiasm.

 Nick’s one of my oldest friends in Washington and a former colleague of mine (and a champion professional Mambo-dancer in Chile).  AEI is more than lucky to have him.  

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