The Corner

My Race-Baiting Revealed

So last night I was watching Robert McCulloch’s press conference. I spent most of the time making fun of how long he was taking. For instance: “What’s really going to piss people off is when he restates the whole thing in Klingon, as per Missouri law.”

If I recall correctly, during the Q&A a reporter asked about the racial composition of the witnesses who testified that Brown rushed Wilson. McCulloch said they were all African-American. So, I tweeted, “All of the witnesses who testified that Brown charged Wilson were African American.”

Obviously, this is why I belong on Salon’s compilation of the “right-wing’s sick Twitter celebration.” Subhead: “Race-baiters on the right celebrate the grand jury’s decision on Twitter, horrify everyone.”

Call me nuts, but I suspect the total number of people horrified by that tweet falls a bit shy of “everyone” and a lot closer to “virtually no one outside the Salon asylum.”

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