The Corner

The Mythical ‘Voterless Election’

The lead item on Drudge this morning is “FLASHBACK: Colorado GOP Chair Said Trump Will ‘Absolutely Not’ Be Republican Nominee…” – linking to a September 2015 report on comments from Colorado chairman Steve House to an August Pueblo County GOP meeting. While House undoubtedly sounds like he’s not a big fan of Trump, it’s not a pledge or a threat; it’s his skeptical assessment:

I think what happens to Donald Trump—with all due respect to a man who has made billions of dollars and had companies go bankrupt and recovered—is he’s going to get bored. He’s going to get bored. He’s going to get tired of the continuous questioneering and badgering.

That hasn’t shaken out. But that comment isn’t, as the headline implies, the birth of a nefarious, conspiratorial plan to deny Trump a rightly-won nomination.

Drudge’s second headline is “IN HIDING AFTER VOTERLESS ELECTION,” linking to a report by the Denver ABC affiliate.

First, as our Ian Tuttle reported, House is “in hiding” because someone posted his home address and home phone number on Twitter, and it’s been shared 600 times.

As the ABC report notes, “the Brighton Police Department and the Adams County Sheriff’s Office are providing an extra watch on House’s home and the Greenwood Village Police are doing the same at his office.”

Secondly, regarding that “voterless election” headline, Colorado Republicans voted March 1, in precinct caucuses — tens of thousands of them. There are many accurate ways to refer to what happened in Colorado, but voterless isn’t one of them.

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