The Corner


NARAL Admits Pro-Lifers Are Succeeding at Online Messaging

Last week, McClatchy DC published an article about NARAL Pro-Choice America and its efforts to revamp its digital outreach. In the article, NARAL admits that the group has been losing the online messaging battle with pro-lifers.

In Arizona and Michigan, NARAL found that focus-group participants often used pro-life language when discussing New York’s 2019 Reproductive Health Act, which explicitly legalized abortion for all nine months of pregnancy — for any reason up to 24 weeks’ gestation and with broad exceptions after that point. The article also points out that NARAL’s own research has found that Internet users are likely to find pro-life content on Facebook and YouTube.

This is another helpful sign that the pro-life movement is successfully using the Internet and social-media platforms to bypass the mainstream media, which tend to favor the abortion-rights argument. Websites such as LifeNews, LifeSiteNews, and Live Action provide timely analysis and commentary from a pro-life perspective.

In 2020, Students for Life of America launched a YouTube series called “#Why,” a project in which I’ve participated and which provides hard-hitting pro-life perspectives on a range of life issues. Live Action has its own video series entitled “Pro-Life Replies” which provides pro-life responses to common arguments from supporters of legal abortion.

The McClatchy article indicates that NARAL is planning to hire comedians to assist them with their online messaging, a rather strange tactic. I doubt that efforts will be very successful; ending the lives of innocent unborn children is no laughing matter.

Michael J. New — Michael New is an assistant professor of practice at the Busch School of Business at the Catholic University of America and a senior associate scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute.
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