The Corner

NR Insider

Was it . . . the Garlic Bread?

National Review founder William F. Buckley Jr.
National Review founder William F. Buckley Jr. (National Review)

The National Review Institute 2018 End-of-Year Fund Appeal remains short of its goal of $200,000, and as the clock ticks toward midnight of the 31st, which is when the appeal and the year both end, we are counting on the many good readers of this website to realize what Bill Buckley, in his foresight, knew: that NRI was going to be a consequential and vital part of the conservative movement.

That objective is precisely why Bill created NR in 1991. And if he were here in 2018, he’d say . . . his idea was a success. Let me suggest this: Bill’s dream, and his accomplishment, are two darned good reasons for NRI to merit your philanthropic consideration.

You didn’t know you were a budding philanthropist, did you? Well, you are. And may your next act of generosity be that of helping NRI reach that goal. Can you donate $25.00 or $100.00? How about $250.00 or $1,000.00? Someone reading this right now could add a zero (before the decimal point!) to those figures (I know some could add two zeros!) and knows with utter certainty that his pending contribution — which, yeah, he does want to make — would be a tremendous investment in NRI’s relentless duty of protecting the principles that are central to conservatism.

Let me assure you of a thing or two or three, especially those of you who have been kid enough in months past to donate to National Review (Inc., not “Institute”). NR (which in these parts we call “NR, Inc.”) and NRI are absolutely distinct entities. Yes, NRI owns NR Inc. But its function is not to publish a magazine or a website but to 1) serve as a journalism think tank (comprising America’s premier conservative writers, and even one or two from Over There), and 2) administer worthwhile programs that advance the conservative principles that Bill Buckley championed.

Both entities which include “National Review” in their titles need your support, in order to underwrite their vital and separate missions. Capisce?

Mr. Philanthropist, you give to more than one conservative cause, surely. Probably — many. So giving to NRI (tax deductible!), even if you have given to NR, Inc. (nope, no tax deduction), is not a duplicative effort. But it would be an effort in supporting your principles in an important way.

As to our $200,000 goal: We are getting there, and are more than halfway there, but in these final days of this year, we really need those who have yet to give to NRI (and that includes those who may have given to NR, Inc.) to step up. I’d like to have thought we’d have hit the target already — after all, my colleagues and I have asked ever so nicely, politely, and sincerely.

The buck stops here: I wonder, what am I not doing right? As the old commercial used to ask, could the reason be . . . my breath? Gotta stop eating that garlic bread! So, while I run to the powder room to gargle, why don’t you take the opportunity to donate to NRI, right here.

Know that you will have my minty fresh appreciation!

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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