The Corner

NR Webathon

Webathon Off and Running Thanks to Such Decent Friends

National Review founder William F. Buckley Jr.

Chips may indeed be down in plenty of places, but when they are, well, that’s when the selfless kindness of National Review’s friends is particularly sweet (and, of course, beneficial). We launch this short fundraising effort, likely to conclude on or about Easter Sunday, to raise $100,000 (more if possible, maybe if one of you buys tomorrow’s winning Powerball ticket?) to underwrite our publishing costs. These have always been a challenge, and as you can imagine, of late, a profound challenge. We ask knowing the economic backdrop of this time of real crisis and attending fears — but then we ask knowing that NR’s editorial output has been so valuable, describable as a day-in-and-out exercise in exceptional truth-telling. There is that kind of occasion to which conservatives need NR to have risen. We have. And we ask that some of you rise along with us and send sorely needed assistance.

Many have. And along with their aid there are motivating words of praise, thanks, inspiration — they run a happy gamut. We share some examples:

  • Paul goes big with a $500 contribution and some major-league back-slapping: “This is too long in coming, but I hope it comes at a time when it’s most needed. Special thanks to Jim Geraghty for his valuable public service in the current moment. For that matter, thank you to all of your contributors, who are helping to make sense out of what of late is a most confusing world.” Was worth the wait, Paul. You rock!
  • Mike parts with a C Note and makes us blush: “G. K. Chesterton, in the London Illustrated News (1931), wrote: ‘Because our expression is imperfect we need friendship to fill up the imperfections.’ National Review is a friend, a trusted companion that fills up the imperfections, an institution to remind us of the eternal verities. Whether combating the depredations of the Progressive Left or the Wuhan Coronavirus, we are blessed to have William F. Buckley’s gift to the people — National Review. Keep up the great work!” Dogs of hot diggitiness, thems are kind and heartfelt words that inspire. Many thanks, Mike.
  • James too spots NR $100 and encourages: “Times like these we need conservative voices more than ever. Somehow this too will pass and the US will be stronger than ever. Keep up the good work at National Review.” Keeping . . . because we have friends like Jimbo!
  • Peter sends along – did I get this right — $1,000 (zounds!), and keeps the attending sentiment short and sweet: “Keep it up and hang tough.” Thanks to such kindness we are not left hanging. This means a ton, so thanks Peter.
  • Deborah tenders a sweet $50 and gets to the nub: “Thank you for providing information that cuts through the fog of dis- and misinformation.” The lights burn ever brighter with your generosity. Thank you!

This quintet of kindly souls are among the 150 or so who today have bellied up to the bar and dropped something of great value into the NR tip jar. If you’re wondering: No amount is too insignificant. We do indeed believe in the transformative power of the Widow’s Mite. If you can do such, would you? Or more? Help us please to reach out $100,000 goal. If you have already helped, many thanks. If you have not, please do give here. If you fancy making contributions via the U.S. Mail, then send a check payable to “National Review” addressed to National Review, ATTN: 2020 Webathon, 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, NY 10036. We wish God’s blessings and graces on all our readers and supporters, especially those who believe, as do we, that National Review’s valuable, above-and-beyond truth-telling — in this national and global episode of epic concern — merits the attention, prayers, and sustaining generosity of our conservative friends.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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