The Corner


A Clash of Our Own

For decades now, I’ve written about clashes of pieties — pieties on the left. For example, you love, love wind power. But the killing of rare birds by the turbines? Um …

You love, love abortion — or at least “abortion rights.” But when Chinese and others single out girls, um …

You love, love rap out of the ghetto! I’m cool! I’m hip! Nothing square about me! But when rap lyrics glorify guns? Um …

This is one of my favorite examples: The governor general of Canada ate the heart of a seal. Bad, bad, bad! But the governor general of Canada (the beautiful Michaëlle Jean) was a “woman of color.” And she was honoring an Inuit tradition. Um …

Anyway, I could play this game all day — but will now turn to our beloved National Review. NR hates, hates Woodrow Wilson. He occupies a place in this magazine’s demonology between Karl Marx and Prohibitionists. I think this is nuts, but we can save that discussion for another day.

We also hate student thuggery and stupidity on campuses such as Princeton’s. At the moment, lovely Princetonians are demanding the effacement of all reference to Wilson, their onetime president (as he would be president of the United States).

Um …

I sentence all Wilson-haters to the reading of Arthur Link’s five volumes of biography. (He didn’t even continue past our entry into the war.) After that, Herbert Hoover’s late-in-life gem, The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson. I’ve got more, if you still need punishment.

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