The Corner


Nevada Moves to Legally Protect Kids Who Like to Chew Food Into Fun Shapes

Yesterday, the Las Vegas Review Journal ran through the various firearms proposals that are being considered in Nevada. This item caught my eye:

Then there is the “Pop-Tart” bill that would protect students from discipline for such actions as using a partially eaten pastry or food item to simulate a firearm, possessing a toy gun 2 inches in length or shorter, or using a hand or finger to mimic having a gun. A hearing on Assembly Bill 121 will be held Monday in the Assembly Education Committee.

There’s nothing wrong with this, of course. But that it even needs to be discussed as a matter of law is an indication of a sick society. Are Nevada’s schools really so poorly run that teachers need to be forced by the government to refrain from punishing children who push out their index finger and shout “Bang!”? Do we need the threat of lethal force to protect toddlers who like to eat pieces of pastry into verboten shapes?

Apparently so.

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