The Corner

New Crusaders for the Old Crusade

Yuval (& Co). – My apologies for the mischaracterization. You’re right and I am wrong. I did not mean to say that you favor a government more activist than what we have today . I was merely referring to the new vogue for a more innovative (activist?) “reform” conservatism (conservative reformism?). I can certainly see why a principled conservative would flinch at being characterized as favoring more activist government, I did not intend to use the phrase in a pejorative sense. Indeed, on a great many issues if Ramesh and Yuval are for it, I’m for it too. And even when I disagree with their ideas, I start from the assumption that there must be some merit I am missing.

But I think my larger point in response to Ross is correct: virtually none of the New Wonks of the Right favor redistribution of wealth for its own sake. If I’m wrong about that, I would really appreciate a show of hands so I know who you are.

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