The Corner

New Nordlinger Collection

“Jay Nordlinger’s range of topics and territory is astonishing; he takes his grateful readers to places they will never go to converse with people they can only dream of meeting. Nordlinger’s abiding themes are courage in the fight against tyranny and daring in the creation of new human enterprises. He approaches his interview subjects with a freshness and innocence that can only come from a deep worldliness. If the cultural changes he so astutely chronicles are not always for the better, Nordlinger’s wise and witty commentary will leave the reader feeling reassured that there is at least one voice out there speaking eloquently on behalf of common sense and America’s legacy of freedom.”
Heather Mac Donald, Manhattan Institute fellow and author of The War on Cops

This book will be available in a few days. To pre-order a copy or copies, at a discounted, pre-publication price, go here.

NRO Staff — Members of the National Review Online editorial and operational teams are included under the umbrella “NR Staff.”
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