The Corner


New Video Documents UCSF’s Entanglement with the Abortion Industry

Pro-choice supporters hold up signs outside of the U.S. Supreme Court as justices hear a major abortion case in Washington, D.C., March 4, 2020. (Tom Brenner/Reuters)

In a live online event this evening, Pro-Life San Francisco will debut a new video exposing entanglements between the publicly funded University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and the abortion industry. Here are a few of the key facts included in the video:

UCSF operates and funds more than 100 abortion-training programs in the U.S., including training for abortions performed after fetal viability. The university and its affiliated programs have trained nearly 3,000 OB-GYNs currently practicing in the U.S.

Dr. Eleanor Drey, who directs the Women’s Options Center at San Francisco General Hospital — one of the training hospitals for the UCSF School of Medicine — has performed abortions at the hospital for almost two decades. Drey describes her work as director as striving “to maintain and increase the number of abortions we provide, which has allowed us to increase the number of residents and students we train.”

The website for UCSF’s Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health approvingly cites a researcher who argues that the UCSF medical school has “more so than any other medical institution . . . integrate[d] abortion into mainstream medical care.”

“The message that this medical school gives the rest of medicine is that abortion is a normal part of women’s reproductive health,” that researcher wrote.

Participating in political advocacy at the local, regional, and federal levels is part of UCSF medical school’s curriculum. University professors and administrators routinely testify on behalf of policy that favors unlimited abortion and against policy to restrict abortion, even late in pregnancy.

The video also documents UCSF medical research using of organs and tissue from viable fetuses, obtained by university researchers after elective abortions. Researchers in these sorts of experiments prefer to use tissue from fetuses not killed using digoxin prior to delivery, meaning that the more useful and valuable fetal tissue must be obtained from abortions done via live dismemberment or labor induction.

Showing footage from the Center for Medical Progress undercover videos, the Pro-Life San Francisco video illustrates that researchers consider UCSF to be the premier provider of fetal tissue obtained in these types of abortions, the latter of which can result in an accidental live birth up to 50 percent of the time. Pro-Life San Francisco’s efforts to obtain information about the treatment of such born-alive infants have been rebuffed.

UCSF chancellor Sam Hawgood, who previously served as dean of the UCSF medical school, is one of the nation’s foremost defenders of fetal-tissue research conducted on the bodies of aborted babies. Last summer, for instance, Hawgood issued a statement on behalf the school, saying that UCSF strongly opposed the U.S. Health and Human Services Department’s decision to discontinue some forms of fetal-tissue research funded by the National Institutes for Health.

Between 2018 and 2019, UCSF research projects using fetal tissue from aborted babies received nearly $3 million from the federal government.

Pro-Life San Francisco’s event, “Live! From the Abortion Frontlines,” will take place this evening via Facebook Live at 9 p.m. EST, with filmmaker Jason Jones as emcee and featuring an address from David Daleiden.

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