The Corner


A new poll done by SurveyUSA for WUSA-TV in Washington and WDBJ-TV in Roanoke shows George Allen leading Jim Webb among likely voters, 49-44, with a very low four percent undecided (another two percent say they’ll vote for independent Gail Parker).

You can see the breakdowns here . Among men, Allen leads 53-41. Among women, Webb leads 47-46. Among whites, Allen leads 54-40. Among blacks, Webb leads 72-21. Among hispanics, Allen leads 74-18.

Among people with no college, Allen leads 68-26. Among those with some college, Allen leads 58-36. Among those with a college degree, Webb leads 49-43. Among those who have done graduate work, Webb leads 55-39.

In the Shenandoah region, Allen leads 55-37. In southeast Virginia, Allen leads 49-42. In central Virginia, Allen leads 51-42. In northern Virginia, Webb leads 55-43.

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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