The Corner

New Windows Cont’d

From a reader:


For a long time, you were the ONLY contributor to The Corner who seemed to

know how to post links that opened in a new window (leaving The Corner in

its own window, intact) without forcing the reader to make extra keystrokes

or right-clicks to select “open in a new window”.

Now with the new format, even your links, if clicked directly, force me OUT

of The Corner to see the linked site. This requires me to hit the back

button and wait while The Corner reloads (very slow on my dial-up connection

at work).

Please, please, PLEASE tell me you’ll try to figure out which doohickey to

jiggle that makes your links open in a new window!!!

Me: I’m working on it, I promise. But it’ll be some time before I can do it reliably every time.

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